Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Calling All Sock Knitters

A reminder to our many talented sock knitters: XRX's Think Outside the SOX contest ends on 31 January 2009. That gives you more than a month to get your entries off to Sioux Falls. Information can be found on the contest website here. There is also plenty of information in this month's (Winter 2008) Knitter's magazine, beginning on page 52. There are 27 prize categories and over $21,000 in prizes. This is also a very good opportunity to showcase your design talents. If you are a budding superstar, here's a chance to start shining!

Edit as of 12/12: XRX has just announced an extended deadline for the contest. Socks need to be submitted by the 31st of January 2009. Winners will be announced at Stitches West, which is in late February. Many thanks & seasons greetings to the fine folks in Sioux Falls!

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