Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Artistic Felt

You may recall that our November 2010 program with Karin Skacel had to be postponed.  Well, Karin will be here for our June meeting, so the wait is almost over.

Karin will share information about Skacel and Addi history, then give a presentation on the companies which Skacel represents, along with photos of their facilities, employees, etc., and how Skacel works with them. Also, she will tell us how a new product (whether it be yarns or needles) is created from start to finish (the designing of a yarn, color selections, etc.), ending with the creation of Artfelt.
We will also have several mini-workshop opportunities to play with Artfelt and become comfortable with how to use it on Friday and Saturday, 3 & 4 June. The finished project is a phone/camera case or an eyeglass case. The photograph above is two Artfelt kits for making handbags. If you are a spinner, then you are really in a conundrum. To felt or to spin?

There are some advantages to felting. It is definitely fast -- even faster than crochet. And it is easier to design across the whole project. If you like color work, Artfelt gives you a lot of freedom with where and how you place color. You can also layer colors, creating a background but also laying lines and shapes on top of it. If you have studied the traditional arts of drawing and painting, this method of making decorative fabric should suit your skills.

For more inspiration, you can follow the Artfelt blog here or look at some samples on Flickr here.

Finally, there will be a potluck dinner with Karin on Friday 3 June from 6 - 9 PM at the home of Margie Steiner, who is also graciously hosting all the workshops. If you are interested in attending the potluck or one of the workshops, contact

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