Our December potluck meeting was as good as ever. We donated 213 dressed bears to the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy. Local station WSB also sent a camera man to film a little of our meeting and the presentation of the bears. The segment is scheduled to air on Sunday 12 December during the 6:30 AM program "People 2 People." (If you go to the WSB website, you can find the most recent show by choosing from the "Community" menu on the far right of the homepage.) Diana, our president, has also hinted that there may be some sort of activity next year to encourage more participation in knitting the bear clothing. We will have to wait to see what she unveils!
One last reminder, Whit's annual Block Party will also be this Sunday, but at the brighter hours of 2-5 PM. If you plan to attend, do be sure to contact Whit so that she has a head count. As always, Whit will have out her professional steamer, so bring towels and those finished holiday gifts that need a good blocking to give them just the right finish. Even if you don't need to block something, bring a snack food to share (if you can) and come join the camaraderie!
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